May I link to your web site? |
Yes, you may. We would prefer that any links go to the root of our site. (http://www.siteprobe.com/) |
What is the IP address used to test? |
There is not just one IP address. We have many, in many locations, some of which are dynamically allocated. If you would like to filter out our tests, it would be better to filter based on the "User Agent" of "SPENG" |
How do I cancel or delete my account? |
Log in to your account, go to the "User Profile" tab, put a check mark in the box labeled "Check here to delete this account", and click "Submit". |
Why should I use your service instead of monitoring software installed on my server? |
You should actually use both. If your server freezes or if the Internet connection gets interrupted, you may not find out in a timely manner. However, these packages can be much more flexible, allowing you to monitor many pages and check for functionality and content. Covering both angles is a really good idea. |